‘MIFARE’, ‘MIFARE Classic’ and ‘MIFARE DESFire EV3’ are trademarks of NXP B.V.‘LEGIC advant’ is a trademark of LEGIC Identsystems
Designed to fit directly to a UK or EU electrical back box, this powerfully secure reader supports a wide variety of technologies, allowing it to be used in most access control and related applications … for example, time-and-attendance or cashless vending.
The combination of an integral speaker, RGB LED, three control inputs, and a variety of LED/buzzer/and external control options, provide a flexible platform to give the right user interface configuration for your project.
IMPORTANTWe configure our readers to your specific needs.Call to discuss your custom configuration or LEGIC® reader requirements.
‘MIFARE’, ‘MIFARE Classic’ and ‘MIFARE DESFire EV3’ are trademarks of NXP B.V.‘LEGIC advant’ is a trademark of LEGIC Identsystems
Designed to fit directly to a UK or EU electrical back box, this powerfully secure reader supports a wide variety of technologies, allowing it to be used in most access control and related applications … for example, time-and-attendance or cashless vending.
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supported technologies
The combination of an integral speaker, RGB LED, three control inputs, and a variety of LED/buzzer/and external control options, provide a flexible platform to give the right user interface configuration for your project.
IMPORTANTWe configure our readers to your specific needs.Call to discuss your custom configuration or LEGIC® reader requirements.