Third Millennium Systems Ltd18/19 Torfaen Business CentrePanteg Way, New Inn, PONTYPOOLNP4 0LS United Kingdom
Third Millennium congratulates Elizabeth GrimshawThirdMillenniumarepleasedtoannouncethatElizabethhasrecentlypassedtheHR Skills for Line Managers run by TSW Training Centre in Bridgend.ThisextensivecourseincorporatedelementssuchasUnderstanding the importance of HR Responsibilities, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management and Understanding Job Descriptions and Person Specifications.Elizabeth will now be supporting Third Millennium’s HR department as part of her daily duties. In a double celebration, Elizabeth has also completed and passed the ILMInstitute of Leadership & Management Level 2 course run by ICS Learn. This course incorporated modules such as Developing Yourself as a Team Leader, Developing the Work Team and Briefing the Work Team.RussellStacey,ComplianceManageratThirdMillenniumsaid“Elizabethhasshown greatdeterminationandastrongworkethictocomplete2courseswithin2018.We aredelightedtohelpourstaffdevelop,andthisbringsevenmorestrengthtothe team.WewillcontinuetosupportourstaffdevelopmentandcongratulateElizabeth on her excellent work and achievements.”,onLinkedIn or on Twitter.
Third Millennium congratulates Elizabeth GrimshawThirdMillenniumare pleasedtoannouncethat Elizabethhasrecently passedtheHRSkillsforLine ManagersrunbyTSW Training Centre in Bridgend.Thisextensivecourseincorporatedelementssuchas Understanding the importance of HR Responsibilities, Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management and Understanding Job Descriptions and Person Specifications.Elizabeth will now be supporting Third Millennium’s HR department as part of her daily duties. In a double celebration, Elizabeth has also completed and passed the ILMInstitute of Leadership & Management Level 2 course run by ICS Learn. This course incorporated modules such as Developing Yourself as a Team Leader, Developing the Work Team and Briefing the Work Team.RussellStacey,ComplianceManageratThird Millenniumsaid“Elizabethhasshowngreat determinationandastrongworkethictocomplete2 courseswithin2018.Wearedelightedtohelpour staffdevelop,andthisbringsevenmorestrengthto theteam.Wewillcontinuetosupportourstaff developmentandcongratulateElizabethonher excellent work and achievements.” YoucanfollowThirdMillenniumviaourwebsiteat, on LinkedIn or on Twitter.